How to establish the first aid support required on your worksite, based on WorkSafe BC classifications and Occupational Health and Safety site requirements.
In order to determine the level of first aid service needed for each worksite, WorkSafeBC requires sites across the province to complete a first aid assessment worksheet. WorkSafe BC has three hazard ratings that they use throughout the worksheet, that being low (L), moderate (M), and high (H). This information, combined with your CU hazard rating assignment, helps organizations to better understand first aid requirements for their particular organization.
Instructions are provided below, outlining how to assess your worksite hazard rating, based on the classification unit of your operations, as well as information about first aid assessments.
Classification Units (CU)
Every organization registered with WorkSafe BC is assigned a classification unit based on their main business operations.
Organizations that work in the same industry and produce the same products or services have the same classification unit. This means you pay the same base premium as other parties in your industry. Examples of different CU’s are shown to the right.
Locating Your Classification Unit (CU)
First, navigate to WorkSafe BC’s Find Your Classification page. If you already have your CU number, simply type it into the industry classification search bar to have Figure 3 available immediately.
If you do not know your CU, follow the prompts on the page. This includes choosing your sector, sub-sector, and classification unit to find the right CU number.
Once you have selected your sector, sub-sector, and CU number, WorkSafe BC will populate a PDF document outlining details about your services, equipment, hazard rating, when you might need to contact them, and their base premium rates.
They also include a three year rate history as well as detailed descriptions for these years.
Determining Your Hazard Rating
The downloadable PDF generated outlines specific details of your hazard rating assignment. Included within WorkSafe BC references specific sections of the Occupational Health and Safety Guide, including the minimum level of first aid needed on site, based on the nature of operations. It’s important to always consult the Occupational Health and Safety Guide whenever you have questions about site requirements.
First Aid Assessment
Once you know your workplace hazard rating, you can begin your first aid assessment. This assessment requires a comprehensive review of workplace operations, which includes identifying the number of workplaces, identifying your workplace hazard rating, considering the surface travel time to hospital, determining the number of workers on a shift, determining the required first aid services for your workplace, and reviewing your assessment.
Further information outlining the number of first aid attendants required on site can be found in Schedule 3-A: Minimum Levels of First Aid of the Occupational Health and Safety Guide. As an employer, it is your responsibility to ensure your site is outfitted with the proper first aid care.
Access to proper medical services is not a topic to take lightly. By completing a first aid assessment, establishing your hazard rating, and brushing up on Occupational Health and Safety requirements, you can be confident you have the tools and resources ready to mobilize should an emergency situation occur on site.